Complex number to perceptually uniform RGB subset mapping library.
This library operates on buffer object using numpy, and is designed to convert a 2d array of complex number in to an 2d array to 3-tuples of RGB values suitable for passing to matplotlib’s imshow function
- numpy: 1.x >= 1.6
- Plotting Functions:
- matplotlib: 1.x >= 1.3 or 2.x
Version Numbering¶
ZtoRGBpy user a version numbering system based on PEP440, with versions numbers {major:d}.{minor:d}[.{patch:d}][.dev{year:0<4d}{month:0<2d}{day:0<2d}]
providing a minimum of major and minor version, with optional patch number for bug fixes, and development tag for pre-release builds.
Major Version¶
New Major Version Release, may change the public API in non backwards compatible ways, that may break existing code.
Minor Version¶
Minor Version, releases may add new features to the public API, but will remain fully backwards compatible with the document API for the Major Version Series.
Patch Version¶
Patch are solely for fixing bugs in the code or API, these will only change the public API when it is found to perform in a manor contrary to the documented API
Development Version¶
This is a Development release, has not be tested, it may be unstable or have breaks in the API, such a release should NOT be relied upon.
Citing ZtoRGBpy¶
ZtoRGBpy is an implementation of the maths presented in A Perceptually Uniform RGB Subset for Representing Complex-valued Data. If ZtoRGBpy contributes to a scientific publication please cite this article as:
author = {Fletcher, Glen},
institution = {University of Technology Sydney},
keywords = {colour space hue,data representation,perceptually uniform},
title = {{A Perceptually Uniform RGB Subset for Representing Complex-valued Data}},
url = {},
year = {2019}