
Version 1.0.1 Documentation


colorwheel(ax=None, scale=None, profile=None, rotation=0, grid=False)[source]

Renders a colorwheel, showing the colorspace, with optional grid

  • ax (Axes, optional, default: None) – The axes to plot to. If None, use the current axes like pyplot.imshow
  • scale (Scale, optional, default: None) – This parameter is passed directly to remap(Z, scale=scale, profile=profile)
  • profile (RGBColorProfile, optional, default: None) – This parameter is passed directly to remap(Z, scale=scale, profile=profile)
  • rotation (float, optional, default: 0) – This is the angle in radians by which the colorwheel is rotated
  • grid (bool, optional, default: False) – Boolean indicating if the grid should be drawn

  • image (AxesImage) – Extra metadata about the complex mapping is added to this object
  • grid_axes (Axes) – Present only if grid = True. The polar axes on which the grid is drawn


>>> import ZtoRGBpy
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> ZtoRGBpy.colorwheel()
>>> plt.show()

(png, hires.png, pdf)
