
Version 1.0.1 Documentation


class Scale[source]

Abstract base class for defining a scaling function for the remapping of complex values to RGB colors.

Automatically generates repr of subclasses (see attributes to define parameters from subclasses).

  • __args (Sequence) – List of Positional argument values for specific subclass
  • __kwargs (Mapping) – Mapping of keyword only argument values for specific subclass

Transform value with scaling function

This method must be overridden by the subclass to define the transformation.

Parameters:value (array_like […]) – Array of value to be transformed, by the scaling function.
Returns:scaled (array [ value.shape ]) – Scaled transformation (\(T(v)\)) of value such that \(0 \le |T(v)| \le 1\).
format_arg(arg, cls=None, name=None)[source]

Format argument

  • arg (object) – argument to be formatted
  • cls (type) – class that uses the argument
  • name (str) – name of argument

repr (str) – String representation of argument


Returns a list of tick marks suitable for a colorbar

This method must be overridden by the subclass to define how tick should be displayed on the colorbar.

  • offsets (Sequence [ float ]) – Positions in the scaled interval \([0.0, 1.0]\) at which tick marks should be drawn.
  • labels (Sequence [ str ]) – Labels to be displayed for each tick mark, non str types will be converted to str.